Friday, 16 November 2018

Technical Debts and Loans

Yesterday I had one of those fantastic conversations where suddenly ideas crystallise and take a new unexpected form.

Talking with one of my team about technical debt we were musing on if that was the right word. There are so many ways technical debt could be created we were wondering if having a single word was helpful.

For example we may have done something that was the absolutely the right thing to do at the time only for us to learn a better way of doing it in the future. We have debt to clear up but it was not done on purpose.

In another instance we may make a decision to do something in a less that ideal way to enable something else. A common example could be to meet a deadline or recoup some lost time.

This second one, my esteemed colleague suggested sounds more like a loan than a debt. We have traded something for something else we need right now and have the expectation that it will be paid back at some point.

This trade off is a decision and these are difficult to keep track of. Someone else might not have the context of this decision - with the code alone, it just looks like debt.

Let's take that loan metaphor a little further....

If we were going to take out a loan we would definitely have a record of it. It would contain a term and conditions along with an agreement of how much this will cost us at the end of the term.

We would also be aware that this would cost us more than it would have. We have traded getting it now for a higher cost, which we have decided is beneficial to us in the short term. This ensures we are happy with this cost of this service.

We would agree payment terms too, upfront, so we all know when the loan will be repaid in full.

The amount this will cost us depends on several factors which are linked to risk. Where the risk of non-repayment is low the cost of the loan is low and we have more flexibility on the length of the term. 

Where the risk is high, the cost of the loan increases and term typically shortens.

The purpose of the loan is also a factor. An investment which can cover the risk, like a house will typically lower the risk, whist something like a car which depreciates quickly will increase it.

Finally the person taking out the loan is considered. In the UK, we have a credit score system which scores your risk as an individual - where your track record on loans and repayments is taken into account. 

If you have a habit of not paying loans back, you can be sure you won't be considered a good risk for future loans.

At the extreme, where loans have not be paid after several requests and warnings, collectors will be employed to forcibly recoup the outstanding amount along with additional fees to cover the hassle.

So, let's apply this to some software development!

We have the option of delivering something a bit faster if we trade off some technical area. For the moment, let's assume our stakeholder has a good line of credit so we offer a 'technical loan agreement'.

We outline what we are trading off and what the implications will be in the future. We decide on the risk of this and let that inform the term of the repayment. This term is the maximum amount of time the loan can be left unpaid based on the risk it represents to us as a development team.

We all agree this is the right thing to do and we store the loan agreement as a document which is included in the source for the project concerned. It acts as a permanent record of that decision.

When it comes to prioritisation of work, the team will expect a slice of the throughput to address the debts, which is how we make the repayment. These are refined along with all other stories and we can use forecasting to make sure the delivery of them is inline with the terms of the loan agreement.

When the loan is replayed in full, the document is removed from source but the history can still be relied on if we need it in the future.

If multiple loans are being repayed, there may come a point where this becomes unaffordable for the stakeholder - the repayments for all the outstanding loans exceeds the number of stories we are capable of delivering. The development team can refuse to give a loan until the situation improves e.g. the stakeholder could pay off the outstanding loans in full by giving all the available stories to the team.

Where the terms of a loan are not met, we have some options. 

In cases where not paying loans becomes a habit, our stakeholders credit rating would also be impacted. We could only extend loans to low risk decisions limiting the options for our stakeholders. We might even stop loans being offered entirely until the situation improves. The stakeholder may have to rebuild their credit rating with us before they get what they want.

If we have to forcibly collect on a loan (after having asked nicely, many times), we would take stories away from our stakeholders until the debt was paid in full, slowing delivery and probably causing some pain in the process. This could also effect our view of the stakeholders credit rating since we had to intervene.

This may seem playful but it increases visibility of these decisions and gives you feedback which can help build better behaviours across the product and technical teams. 

I have written on this subject before, check out "Debts and Credits in your backlog".

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